Image selection and editing services

  • One of the most time consuming and stressful parts of our work is the image selection and processing side of things.
  • I now offer this as a limited availability service to domestic clients the weddings of which I didn’t shoot.


  • If you are looking for a rescue service for your wedding photos, costing information is below, also please read the Wedding Rescue FAQ section on my website before emailing. It contains important information about what can and can’t be done!
  • For full pricing, please see the FAQ section.



– Image selection / culling of images from single or multiple cameras: Up to 5000 images – 100 GBP

  • Dual pass image selection completed manually removing duplicates, test shots and blinkers with the approach of handing you back a selection of images near a desired number. Images can be graded as red or with a star rating. Grading will reflect the initial selection, then a different rating for the final one.
  • Turnaround times are usually less than 48 hours from when the images are received. If the ETA is expected to take longer then I’ll advise before taking on the cull.


– Image editing Raw, Jpeg / HEIC / 8bit / fixed format images

  • This is a full service with the images edited via Lightroom and Photoshop. All tools are used as seen fit, subject selection masking and inversion, sky select masking and inversion, radial filters, cropping, brush tools, tone curves, gradients etc. This is a premium service and yes, I will remove fire exit signs where I can. The ethos being that you should get your photos back, edited and ready.
  • The images will be edited to reflect my editing style and that alone. I won’t edit your photos in any way that differs to mine because, (as someone who’s also been at the sharp end of outsourcing), I really believe that no editor can ever match your exact look.
  • For professionals: This is a 1-2 week service based around the time of year and availability is limited. I’ll need the images sent over either via an online service like Dropbox, a usb drive or as a lightroom catalogue with smart previews attached.
  • For non-professional customers: I’ll need the full sized files for editing, please ensure you keep a copy of them yourself.


– Non professional wedding photo rescue packages

  • Sometimes people are let down by their hired photographer in such a way that what ends up being delivered is sub standard. Of all the services listed here I get the most contact from those in such a position. Those who need help.
  • I can make the most of what you have within the limits of the file integrity using the latest AI processing tools and professional editing suites.
  • I can also grab and edit stills from video to try and increase the diversity of the collection.
  • Please note that all my editing is about correcting the framing, colour, lighting, sharpness where possible, noise reduction… essentially getting the files looking the best they can within the limits of what’s there.
  • What I’m unable to offer is body sculpting, chin shaping, hair or root colouring, the sort of thing that is subjective to different individuals. It’s exceptionally difficult to get right and in a consistent way across many photos so needs to go to a specialist retouching service.
  • What I can do is swap closed eyes for open ones in a group photo where a replacement is available, minor acne and blemish removal, those red fire alarm buttons everyone hates. That sort of thing.


– Other information

  • If you are a non-professional client I will need to see at least some of the files that are representative of what to expect before taking on any job. Some things I can fix, others can’t be saved. I want to be upfront with you at all times and manage your expectations.
  • Jpeg files are more restrictive when editing than raw ones.
  • All hard drives / memory cards are returned via recorded services and the cost of doing so is included with the pricing above.
  • Any files received are deleted after completion however I will keep a catalogue here for a while to ensure you have your files back safely.
  • I believe in full privacy. Your images will never be used as an example on this site or anywhere else without permission.