Islington Town Hall and Balfour St Bart’s Brewery
Amy & Gavin
I love it when people lose the plot on a dancefloor. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t and you never can tell with each individual wedding I go to what’s going to happen.
Sometimes a wedding will have the ‘shuffle shuffle wave’ or the couple will dance like nobody is watching and everyone will jump in too.
Amy and Gavin’s wedding was the latter, it never really stopped from the first dance through until close!
Their wedding ceremony was as Islington Town Hall with their reception held at a favourite of mine, St Barts Brewery over in Smithfield.
It was November, a bit chilly, definitely windy but crisp and the sun kept saying hi! every now and again.
We all shared a routemaster back to St Bart’s Brewery and used the garden opposite for photos, with a few kooky shots over as Smithfield too.
It was nice to find the evening’s entertainment was brought to us by Discowed as they were the ones who played at my wedding too.
I left just past 12, it was such a great night!
Below are some more photos from their day:
Lovely stuff Chris . . . these are top drawer!!!