Balfour St Barts Wedding Photography
Balfour St Barts Wedding Photography

Islington Town Hall and Balfour St Bart’s Brewery
Amy & Gavin

I love it when people lose the plot on a dancefloor. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn’t and you never can tell with each individual wedding I go to what’s going to happen. Sometimes a wedding will have the ‘shuffle shuffle wave’ or the couple will dance like nobody is watching and everyone will jump…

Iceland travel tips for photographers
Iceland travel tips for photographers

Photographing Iceland
One Photographers big trip around the Island

Welcome, to my several years in the making, rough guide to traveling, camping and shooting in Iceland. It’s by no means comprehensive but it covers my experiences and thoughts so far. This sprawling country of black and white. This brutal, unforgiving country. This land of absolute and complete solitude. There is nowhere quite as beautiful,…
